Wednesday, January 01, 2014

FREE: Love, Sex, & Affection

FREE Love: Sorry, complications, Not Free.
FREE Sex:  Responsibilities, consequences, Not Free.
Affection: You can give and get affection 
 at the same time; 
but affection can be confused with Love and Sex.

Rules of FREE Affection:
1. A clearly agreed Affection Only.
2. Short Time, less than 5 seconds.
3. Gentle touching    .                    .
4. Signalling stop means 'Stop Now'.
5. Both players decide what
 affection is appropriate.

Sample Coupons for Affection.
Copy, Clip and Share.

Love for our neglected feet.  
Rub with hands or use a little oil.  
I would choose to have my feet 
messaged as I leave the world.

Hugs, As you give the affection 
someone else wants,
you get the affection you need.

Show me what:
* you have been making
* you have been doing
* you think is so good
* you are proud of
* what you want to share

Fare well for now,
may we meet again
with time to spend together.

Almost any time,
almost any where,
who does not love
exchanging  a neck message.

Whatever the: problem, 
challenge, situation, mistake.

Just be together
without talking,
just our presence,
here and now, together.

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6 FREE Rules of Fun Tickling
1. A clear, agreed start to a tickle
session for both players.
2. Short Tickles, not more than
5 to 8 seconds.
3. Gentle Tickles,                      .
4. Saying 'Stop' means stop tickling now.
5. Both players set clear boundaries
where tickling is allowed.
6. 'Switch Roles' means
Tickler switches roles with Tickled.
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Often so unappreciated,
often so rare,
often free for the appreciating,
often at the kitchen table.

     Affection is a need, like air, water, etc.  
We can easily see children's and senior's need for affection.
     Many of us have been influenced by people 
who did not understand the need for affection 
and/or did not know how to get 
and give affection in positive ways.
     Yet, we seek some semblance of affection, 
sometimes in ways that hurt ourselves or others.

Sometimes what masquerades 
as affection, isn't.
Not affection but at least conflict
 is some kind of recognition, 
and not one lost penguin alone.

Reminder & Recognition
of who is BOSS
and who gets bossed.

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